muzons - September 21st, 2005 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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September 21st, 2005

[Sep. 21st, 2005|10:51 pm]

Antiono Testa & Alio Die - Healing Herb's Spirit

Combine a ritual, shamanic approach with Alio Die's intimate atmospheres, and the result is a rich, layered sound full of unearthly tribal textures that will draw you subconsciously into an expanded state of mind. Stefano contributes exceptionally well crafted drones and sonic disturbances to this unique collaboration. Testa is a percussionist known for his utilization of hand made and ethnic instruments. Add this crafted chorus to Stefano's signature organic ambience, and you end up with a sound that is guaranteed to please the discerning ear. This brilliant combination provides a wonderfully intriguing release, that captures the soul as the mind wanders endlessly in a sublime abyss of ethnographic ambient consciousness. (...)

Rahien [128 Kbps, 7.6 Mb]
Dreaming [128 Kbps, 4.9 Mb]
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