muzons - June 29th, 2005 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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June 29th, 2005

[Jun. 29th, 2005|01:45 pm]

DJ krill.minima - Thinner Ambient Dub Mix
[256 Kbps, 125 Mb, 68 min]

01. Danny Kreutzfeldt - Core 2
02. Digitalverein - Abend am Gasometer (rktics_endlos_variation)
03. Blamstrain - Misfire
04. krill.minima - Palmengasse
05. deluge - l'étoile a pleuré rose
06. Pheek - There You Are
07. tlon - Close Distance
08. Benfay - Blüten Konfetti
09. Mikkel Metal - Abank
10. Lufth - Rotes Dortmund
11. Rasmus Møbius - Vintage
12. Off The Sky - Niello Tryst
13. Deluge - After the Flood
14. Danny Kreutzfeldt - Core 1

ambient / minimal techno. Nomierinošas skaņas, kas ļoti labi iederās background'ā strādājot.
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