muzons - May 25th, 2005 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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May 25th, 2005

[May. 25th, 2005|10:16 pm]
Šoreiz neko klausāmu, šoreiz palasīsim. Domāju kādam konkrētam lokam varētu būt interesanti palasīt par Dev Pandya. To pašu, kurš Paradox un Alaska.

Are there any of your own tunes that particularly stand out?

I've had 95 12 inches out since I started which makes it difficult to say.
I was in Switzerland once and I heard a track and said, "Yeah this is
wicked, who is it?" The bloke standing next to me looked at me as if I was
mad and was like, "Mate, this is yours!" Turns out it was an Italian track
from 2000. After 95 12 inches you sorta lose track y'know!

Paradox interview @ Drumz of The South
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