muzons - November 13th, 2004 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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November 13th, 2004

[Nov. 13th, 2004|11:06 am]


[music |Everything but the Girl - Corcovado]

Gribas šajā vēsajā laikā kaut ko siltu. Un kapēc gan ne?

Sambada - South of the Border [160 kbps | 3:43]

Caetano Veloso - Supercabana [128 kbps | 1:25]

Cosmonautics - So tinha que ser come voce [192 kbps | 4:37]

Everything But The Girl - Corcovado [207kbps | 3:53]

Morelenbaum2 e Ryuichi Sakamoto - Tango (Versao em Portugues) [256 kbps | 5:38]
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