muzons - September 8th, 2004 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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September 8th, 2004

Interview with Mr. Ulrich Schnauss [Sep. 8th, 2004|10:35 am]
[music |Ulrich Schnauss - Blumenthal]

I have never asked the people I interview do they know Lithuania? What about your geographical knowledge? What do you know about Lithuania?

My family comes from an area very close to Lithuania - so I know a few things from stories my grandmother told me - not a lot though.

How is your music born? Are there any live sound in the albums? Do you always create all by your own? What kind of instruments do you use?

Usually I develop an idea for a song on the piano - I’ll play the basic chord structure into the sequencer and start the arranging process (bass line, rhythmic things, melodies etc). Some of the synths I’m using are not midified - so there are occasional live things in there. I do all the stuff on my own - apart from the vocals obviously. My main instruments at the moment are the ob8, the prophet vs and the dx7.

Ja ir interese, tad tik uz priekšu. Starp citu, tur ir arī citas intervijas, kas varētu ieinteresēt. Un vispār, pats Sutemos Florin ir interesants + tas ir kaimiņu - lietuviešu.
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