muzons - September 19th, 2003 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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September 19th, 2003

U2 - The Unforgettable Fire [Sep. 19th, 2003|01:17 am]
/Pride (In the name of love)

The Unforgettable Fire - 1984. gads, producenti - Brian Eno & Daniel Lanois
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[Sep. 19th, 2003|09:42 am]


Read The Fucking Manual

Savaadaak mees ar [info]sinister saaksim apsveert sleegto komjunitii.

Jaa jaa [info]a, tas mostly atiecaas uz tevi.
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Best d'n'b ever.. [Sep. 19th, 2003|04:55 pm]
[mood |angry]
[music |Olive - You're Not Alone (Ganja Kru Remix)]

Droši vien daudzi jau dzirdējuši šo gabalu, bet nu varbūt kāds vēl nav:
Olive - You're Not Alone (Ganja Kru Remix) [128 KBs, 44 Hz, 5:47, 1999, 5566592 bytes]
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