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American McGee's Alice Soundtrack Jun. 21st, 2005|12:15 am

Pirms paaris gadiem, kad biju aizraavies ar speeleem, tad manu uzmaniibu piesaistiija kaada visai savdabiiga speele — American McGee's Alice, kura man likaas tik laba kautvai tikai tik ljoooti tai atbilstoshaa muzikaalaa pavadiijuma deelj. Un sheku reku es to atradu... tiesa.. kvalitaate ir slikta (56kbs), bet ieskatu toties var guut... :)

1. Falling Down The Rabbit Hole
2. Village of the Doomed
3. Fortress of Doors
4. Fire and Brimstone
5. Wonderland Woods
6. The Funhouse
7. Skool Daze
8. Time to Die
9. I'm Not Edible
10. Taking Tea in Dreamland
11. Fungiferous Flora
12. Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum
13. The Centipede
14. Pandemonium
15. Flying on the Wings of Steam
16. Late to the Jabberwocky
17. Pool of Tears
18. Battle with the Red Queen
19. A Happy Ending

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