Feb. 18th, 2005|12:35 am |
[Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<blike [...] plates</b>') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]
No zemes es atraujos, kad ienāk vokāls. <a href="http://www.webart.lv/shiti/10%20Radiohead%20-%20Like%20Spinning%20Plates.mp3">Radiohead - Like Spinning Plates [256kbps, 03:37]</a> Man liekas, ka šo gabalu klausīšos arī pēc gadiem 20 un man viņš patiks.
<lj-cut text="lyrics"> <bLike Spinning Plates</b>
While you make pretty speeches, I'm being cut to shreds. You feed me to the lions, a delicate balance
When this just feels like spinning plates. I'm living in cloud cuckoo land. And this just feels like spinning plates Our bodies floating down the muddy river. |