Kino - 11. Decembris 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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11. Decembris 2007

SUCCUBUS - HELLBENT [11. Dec 2007|09:48]



tiem kam netiik B kat nemaz i labāk neskatās.
rakstiits in english priekš IMDB.COM

OK this is a B movie, but it was much more entertaining than catacombs,
turned that movie out after 20 min (girl running around in tunnel maze
- boring - film from the makers of SAW), this movie had girls, party's,
nudity, violence, blood, high speed action, mystery etc. let's just say
it has a bit of everything.

well the ending was kind of dumb but 60% of movie endings suck.

If you are a horror movie fan this will be like a nice romantic movie
>:) it's not bad - it's interesting.

I gave it a ten because with bigger budget and some changes in the
script it would rock!
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