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gribam labu sex

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Apr. 17th, 2005|06:10 pm

1.: the woman sighs, breathes deeply, and salivates
2.: while kissing the man, she extends her tongue out to him
3.: as her muscles become activated, she grasps him tightly
4.: she experiences a series of vaginal spasms and secretions begin to flow
5.: her joints loosen and she bites her partner
6.: she undulates like a snake, trying to wrap her arms and legs around him
7.: her blood is "boiling" and she is frantically trying to touch her man everywhere
8.: she bites even more and grabs frantically at his nipples
9.: she collapses in a "little death", surrendering to her partner

sajūta, ka zūd kontrole, parādās kaut kur ap 6.-7. līmeni. t.i., līdz tam es vēl filmēju, kas notiek, un varu to ietekmēt ar gribas palīdzību, bet pēc tam tas šķiet neiespējami, dzīvnieciskais kļūst spēcīgāks par cilvēcisko.
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