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[7. Jul 2003|22:09]
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Bungie makes Halo PC commitment
Online play and GPU agnostic release promised.

As the PC world eagerly awaits a version of Halo, the Xbox smash hit and without doubt one of the more important games of recent times, developer Bungie has made some key commitments as to what should be expected.

In a release entitled Halo for PC Development Update, the firm said, “At E3 we showed Timberland and Gephyrophobia, two new multiplayer environments, the Banshee in multiplayer and the new Rocket Launcher, Warthog. Since then, we’ve continued our development work with Gearbox Software…

“In the last five weeks or so, we’ve been focused on two main development challenges: unleashing the full power of our sparkling new network architecture to kick ass on the Internet and making sure we deliver a solid experience on a wide range of hardware configuration and systems. The progress on both fronts is very good and we are on track to hit our current schedule. While I can’t confirm a release date yet. I can confirm that we are internally working towards a solid release date.

“On the design side, you’ve seen it with Timberland – our new environments show an understanding of what game play elements are making the Halo multiplayer experience the insane fun it is. And it’s been our focus: create compelling environments that amplify these elements. For those who played the game at E3, think about all the opportunities to show off your driving skills, think about all the cool snipping spots or how well team-based game play will work on Timberland.”

It seems that now Halo is back where it started, as a PC game, Bungie are full of beans about the content that we should expect. Indeed, the level of anticipated surrounding this 18 month-old game is comparable to that enjoyed by the game’s successor, Halo 2
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