P'n'P - Psihodēlija & Psihonauti.

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(bez virsraksta) @ 01:10

[info]kimmii posted in [info]drugs:

What about nutmeg? A powerful hallucinogenic substance, with a VERY low therapeutic/toxic dose ratio. On sale at supermarkets everywhere.

pag, pag - tas par muskatriekstu?

un dxm rīšana, man šķieet, ir kaut kas ļoti līmes-ostīšana noskaņās

ā, re atradu un vēl joprojām ņirdzu

"I thought this was going to last as long as LSD but I was wrong , the nutmeg (UZSVERU - MUSKATRIEKSTS) spin lasted longer. I left the rave at 6am still spinning off my dial. My friend was still outside although he had crawled 10 metres to be found sleeping under a tree. The next day was a blur as had been the night before. My friend who is postman , did not go to work on Monday. Took an extra 2 hours to do his run on Tuesday(Got in huge trouble) and rode his bike into an embankment on Wednesday spilling all the mail onto a main road. He did not straighten up until Friday. I was completely straight on Tuesday. All in all I quite liked nutmeg but the intensity was too much, the feeling generated could not be defined, but fucked comes in to mind a lot. I think I will stick to E's but they are damn hard to come by lately. "


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P'n'P - Psihodēlija & Psihonauti.