Piedirs izlietni's Journal
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Below are the 6 most recent journal entries recorded in Piedirs izlietni's LiveJournal:

    Saturday, February 5th, 2022
    2:18 pm
    Draugs pārdod izlietni. Mazlietota.

    Friday, December 24th, 2021
    12:08 am
    O tagad traapiiju he he... bļe

    Yes, it is okay to poop anywhere in YOUR house you want to. It is your choice how to live. You can even poop in your bed and wallow in it! The only time it becomes a problem is when your neighbors call the police about the smell. Then you will be evicted and put in jail for mental evaluation.

    Friday, December 3rd, 2021
    9:27 am
    Neaizmirstam šo ateju briedi
    Friday, November 26th, 2021
    5:23 pm
    Zašebis, beidzot čista piegdiennah nevis tākā vakar! Jau laicīgi sāku uzņemt šķiedrvielas un raugvielas lai uz rīta pusi būtu kondīcijā vienam brangam makanajam bračkas izlietnē. Kādi plāni uz vīkendu hujīkendu pārējai sviesta čībai vispābā? Kur rausiet ķepā un dirsīsiet izlietnēs jūs? 💩💩💩
    Thursday, November 25th, 2021
    9:04 am
    Apdirsos aiz sajūsmas. Žēl ka izlietne nebija pa rokai.
    8:59 am
    Pašam patīk
    Nedirs bračka es visu uztaisīju. Nākat visi ciba bariņā [info]dist_izlietnee!!!
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