IRC logu krātuve - wtfgaylol

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Novembris 15., 2005

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17:48 - wtfgaylol
<x3r0> Women don't really IRC though...
<x3r0> right>
<x3r0> *right?
<Tomoe> no shit sherlock
<Tomoe> women == (male|fat)
<x3r0> women == (male|fat) || women == (fbi)
<Tomoe> filure
<Tomoe> anyways by
<x-f> not so general
<Tomoe> im inclass now
<x-f> women-on-irc
<Tomoe> x-f: your first love was a man, theres no helping it
<Tomoe> stop denial
  * x-f cries.
<x-f> yes. ok. i admit.
<x3r0> lol
<Tomoe> so you love areems huh?
<x-f> no way, he's too fat
<x3r0> what are areems?
<Tomoe> lol
<Tomoe> x3r0 latvian creatures
<Tomoe> by
|<-- Tomoe has left (Quit: I am a beast that lost its fangs,thats why I have to die)
<x-f> "is", not "are". that's a nickname of some guy
<Pi> lol hi
<x3r0> I thought areems must of been some race of people
<x3r0> ...really
<x-f> i'm actually laughing right now :))
<x3r0> Or some type of vibrator.

(Vēlies iesmiet?)

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