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Slinkums bija tulkot :) [Jul. 22nd, 2005|12:38 pm]
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There are 4 women who want to cross a bridge. They all begin on the same side. You have 17 minutes to get all of them across to the other side. It is night. There is one flashlight. A maximum of two people can cross at one time. Any party who crosses, either 1 or 2 people, must have the flashlight with them. The flashlight must be walked back and forth, it cannot be thrown, etc. Each woman walks at a different speed. A pair must walk together at the rate of the slower woman's pace.

Woman 1: 1 minute to cross
Woman 2: 2 minutes to cross
Woman 3: 5 minutes to cross
Woman 4: 10 minutes to cross

For example if Woman 1 and Woman 4 walk across first, 10 minutes have elapsed when they get to the other side of the bridge. If Woman 4 then returns with the flashlight, a total of 20 minutes have passed and you have failed the mission. What is the order required to get all women across in 17 minutes? Now, what's the other way?
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Date:July 22nd, 2005 - 01:22 pm
Bļin, šitas man veselas 30 min prasīja, lai izdomātu.
1. un 2. = 2 min
1. atgriežas = 1 min
3. un 4. = 10 min
2. atgriežas = 2 min
1. un 2. = 2 min

Kopā 17 min.
[User Picture]
Date:July 22nd, 2005 - 01:24 pm
:) Richtig!
Date:July 22nd, 2005 - 01:25 pm
Bet labs riekstiņš. Man patika. Bija bauda atkost :)
[User Picture]
Date:July 22nd, 2005 - 01:29 pm
Tas uzdevums tipa no Microsoft darbā stāšanās intervijas .. ;)
Kolēga mans - programmētājs, 1 min laikā atkoda :)
[User Picture]
Date:July 22nd, 2005 - 02:10 pm
sjitai komuunai vajadzeetu likt skreenot komentus,lai citi arii vel var risinaat un tad atskriinot peec kadaas nedeljas:)