aptauja - Komentāri

About Komentāri
http://klab.lv/stats.bml23. Oktobris 2010 - 20:45
Age Distribution
The following shows the age distribution of SC users:

13 5
14 9
15 24
16 42
17 89
18 124
19 201
20 344
21 387
22 472
23 466
24 427
25 357
26 304
27 247
28 196
29 139
30 114
31 91
32 48
33 60
34 46
35 36
36 29
37 19
38 19
39 14
40 23
41 18
42 7
43 16
44 11
45 5
46 7
47 5
48 5
49 4
50 5
51 2
52 2
53 6
54 5
55 1
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