aptauja - Komentāri

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20. Oktobris 2005 - 00:00
Poll #8290
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

Cik tu nedēļā izdzer (pārrēķinot šņabī 40%, gramos)?

View Answers
Mean: 400.00 Median: 350 Std. Dev 331.41
50 7 (23.3%)
150 5 (16.7%)
250 1 (3.3%)
350 5 (16.7%)
450 1 (3.3%)
550 4 (13.3%)
650 1 (3.3%)
750 3 (10.0%)
850 0 (0.0%)
950 0 (0.0%)
1050 2 (6.7%)
1150 0 (0.0%)
1250 1 (3.3%)
1350 0 (0.0%)
1450 0 (0.0%)
1550 0 (0.0%)
1650 0 (0.0%)
1750 0 (0.0%)
1850 0 (0.0%)
1950 0 (0.0%)

Upd.: nu uzlieciet taču kāds lielāku nekā es, nu lūdzu!
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