The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

A story about time. A story out of time.
The story happens all through the 20th century but it could be any time, any where, real or fictional. And it still couldn't get any more magical.
A love story. A fantasy. A very, very enjoyable piece of art.
For art it is.


"The movie is given over to an infinitely patient and scrupulous working out of its own bizarre premise, and you come away from its sombre thoroughness with the impression that something profound has been said without having any idea what it could be. The central drama in the picture turns out to be Brad Pitt’s makeup."

Absofakinlutlī, Klobex, piekrītam.
Oh well, luckily, you don't argue for matters of taste.
You kill for them. :D

March 2010

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