It's good people are so dellusional. I don't think a person could survive without hopes, dreams, illusions and all the other crap we use to make the world more bearable. People would most probably just kill themselves in the first day they would see the world clearly as it is.
World seems hollow and dull and meaningless even when just running a little low on your daily addictive dose of illusions. And with a good reason. Because there is no reason, there is no meaning. The universe, solar system, this planet or whatever does not give a damn about your existence or lack of it, satisfaction or lack of it. Of course, such universe, which obviously lacks any kind of higher purpose, is quite unaccaptable to the man who does nothing quite without purpose. So the man created religion. Many of them, more precisely.

Oh, yes, people, they say. Other people make this world worth it.
With all due respect, but this logic is questionable as well.
You may believe in leaders (who will fail to lead you in most cases).
You may believe in friends who will help you no matter what (which they probably won't) and who will keep your secrets (oh, they will... most of the time) or who will just merely care to see you (and even that might not work all the time).
You may believe in lovers and everything they say (just be critical when they say you're the one).
You may believe she will wait for you (oh, she most certainly will, she'll just pass the time exploring the options).
You may believe in all these things and it is probably healthy to do so. But I will take a break from doing so.
And then to rebuild them in purely experimental way. A true scientist, so to say.


labi teikts...
1. Ir dienas, kad man liekas, ka redzu šo pasauli visai skaidri, bet es joprojām kaut kā iemanos dzīvot uz priekšu.
2. Tas, ka visumam principā ir par tevi pofig, nozīmē tikai to, ka viņš principā nestāsies tev ceļā, ja tu mēģināsi iegūt sev nelielu prieku no dzīves.
3. Cilvēki savā būtībā nav ļauni. Tā varēu šķist, jo ir lietas, kas stāv pāri jebkura cilvēka spēkiem un iespējām, bet ticēt viņiem var un ir vērts to darīt.
Cilvēki nav ļauni, tikai vāji.
Bet protams viņi var sagādāt arī prieku.
Religion is a lie.

Cilvēki ir vāji, jo sabiedrība tos tādus padara. Sabiedrība, valdība, sistēma.. Tas viss ir radīts, lai mēs nemīlētu, lai mēs vienkārši nebūtu spējīgi. We're just fucked here. Crippled. Valdībai vāji cilvēki ir laba lieta - tie nepretosies, maksās u.t.t. Protams, nepieciešami tādi, kas ir labi savā darbības jomā, bet specialitāte nav tas, kas raksturo personas gara stiprumu.

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