10 November 2005 @ 03:45 pm
need help to stupid girl  
Kāds pilnīgi noteikti grib mani aizvest uz Valmieru. Kāds pilnīgi noteikti negrib, lai es viena stopoju. Kur ir tas viens?!
ņer..gribu mājās, bet netieku.
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just a shadow[info]black_rider on November 11th, 2005 - 11:54 am
Wired were the eyes of a horse on a jet pilot
One that smiled when he flew over the bay
Wired were the eyes of a horse on a jet pilot
One that smiled when he flew over the bay
My horse is a shackled old man
His, his remorse, was that he couldn't survey
the skes, right before
right before they went gray
my horse and my remorse
flying over a great bay
Wired were the eyes of a horse on a jet pilot
One that smiled when he flew over the bay
Wired were the eyes of a horse on a jet pilot
One that smiled when he flew over the bay
My source is the source of all creation
Her, discourse, is that we all don't survey
The skies, right before
Right before they go gray
My source, and my remorse
Flying over a great bay
Wired were the eyes of a horse on a jet pilot
One that smiled when he flew over the bay
Wired were the eyes of a horse on a jet pilot
One that smiled when he flew over the bay
Where were the eyes of a horse on a jet pilot
One that smiled when he flew over the bay
Where were the eyes of a horse on a jet pilot
One that smiled when he flew over the bay
Where were the eyes of a horse on a jet pilot
One that smiled when he flew over the bay
Where were the eyes of a horse on a jet pilot
One that smiled when he flew over the bay
Where were the eyes of a horse on a jet pilot
One that smiled when he flew over the bay
Where were the eyes of a horse on a jet pilot
One that smiled when he flew over the bay
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neofits: star[info]_sinner_ on November 11th, 2005 - 03:02 pm
var būt aizņemies ceļam nepieciešamo naudu un vēlāk atdosi...
pats diemžēl palīdzēt neru, jo mans budžets ir izsmelts līdz pēdejam santīmam...
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aivars_liepa[info]aivars_liepa on November 11th, 2005 - 03:47 pm
Atliek vien pajautāt draugam...
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Sīkzvērs[info]thegoat on November 11th, 2005 - 04:25 pm

Nē, nu paldies Dievam (kura nav), ka es esmu tik fucking (piedodiet) laimīgs cilvēks - tieši ceturtdien mana māte bija seminārā Rīgā. Tā nu es uz Valmieru braucu kopā ar mammu, ar autobusu.

I'm so šitī hepī XD Me luvs my luck ^^
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