It's up to you.

- signs of life -

You are viewing 10 entries, 40 into the past.

3rd December 2015

5:29pm: klientu apmirinātība

1st December 2015

4:46pm: aritmistisks rezultāts

19th November 2015

10:26am: What counts for France also counts for Italy
Vot, sākās.

6th November 2015

8:39pm: "When your interpreter is weeping, you know you're being told a sad story"
I interviewed a caregiver
at an orphanage in Omsk, a run-down Detroit of a city in Siberia. (Dostoevsky was sent
there as a punishment for revolutionary activity, which tells you something about the
place.) The caregiver had brought a little boy named Kirill (pronounced Key-REAL)
because she wanted me to know his story.... )

30th October 2015

12:47pm: "trust starts from the trusters’ expectations of the trustees’ trustworthiness"

/no viena akad. raksta

29th October 2015

4:28am: Could you break my fall
Bonds, Džeimss Bonds, rada ne vien perfektu produktpleismentu, bet arī pleismentu māksliniekiem. Sema Smita bondiskajai dziesmai tūtrubā jau tagad teju 20 miljoni, _miljoni_, skatījumu.

26th October 2015

7:34pm: :D
"We will exert law but there will be no taking of revenge. There will be no squaring of personal accounts," said Mr Kaczynski. "There will be no kicking of those who have fallen through their own fault and very rightly so."

19th October 2015

1:45pm: Reliable vs. trustworthy
Lielisks skaidrojums :D

Reliable means that you will consistently behave in a certain way; trustworthy means that you can be given responsibility for doing or looking after something valuable with high confidence that you will do it.

They often go together, but not always - for instance, if you (foolishly) trust me with £20, you might reliably expect me to go and spend it on beer. I am reliable, but I'm not trustworthy. On the other hand, perhaps you can trust my wife to put the money in a safe place, but she might not remember where that safe place is. She's trustworthy, but not reliable.

(No šejienes.)

6th October 2015

5:53pm: Kungs brīnišķīgi parādīja savu atrautību no tās valsts realitātes, kuras attiecīgo jomu viņš administrē. Žeņiaļ, vai tik mums nav uzradies pašiem savs Martins Skreli.

6th August 2015

12:56pm: Brīnišķīgi, tā kā par cūkām jaunu ziņu nav, nekrīt neviena jauna lidmašīna un par jau nokritušajām tuvākais ekspertu atzinums vēl tikai gaidāms, LV ziņu portanāls acīmredzot aiz bada ir pievērsies rubrikai seriālu kriminālapskats. Labi, ka vismaz kāds rūpējas, lai latviski lasošie cilvēki zinātu, kas notiek.
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