Parādās jau pirmās atsauksmes no Piektdienas pirmizrādes:
"Then the first movie starts. It’s called PLANET OF TERROR, and it’s about a planet (which looks a lot like Earth) that’s made of pure terror. Here’s how shit-scream terrorizing it is: there’s these mutated kill-monsters, but even BEFORE they show up there’s all this fucking terror. Like a doctor who wants to kill his doctor wife, and the doctor wife is always sticking these three needles into people which fucks them up, and there’s a sheriff who’s played by that Reese guy from TERMINATOR robot. The sheriff looks like he’s always going to kill someone by crushing a bunch of walnuts in his mouth and spitting the shells through their skull."
Manuprāt, viena no bestest recenzijām, ko esmu lasījis - atšķirībā no pederastiskiem avīžu kinokritiķiem, kuri tikai čīkst un izrāda savu elitārismu, šeit cilvēks ir sajūsmā un mēs skaidri saprotam, ka viņš ir sajūsmā! :D
