CoR: AoDA blablabla |
[May. 21st, 2007|12:45 pm] |
 Original developer Starbreeze is said to be at the helm of the remake, with the game itself going by the title The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena. Due on Xbox 360 and PS3, the new game will feature an extended single-player campaign (There will be around 50% more single-player content to get stuck into - taking place on board the scavenger ship Dark Athena), brand-new online multiplayer and a developer's commentary mode.
Beautiful. |
Crazy moniez $$$ |
[May. 21st, 2007|05:39 pm] |
Pēc aizgājušā vīkenda rezultātiem 3. Vietu all-time topā pēc nopelnītās naudas ieņem "Shreks the Trešais". Pirmās divas ieņem, hmm, Pirāti-2 un Spidermans 3.
Man tādos brīžos kaut kā sāk mazāk patikt kino :( |