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Kino-2006 Dec. 28th, 2006|01:17 pm

Domājams, ka var jau droši summarizēt

Ļoti patika: Pan's Labyrinth, Children of Men, The Departed, Casino Royale, Running Scared, V for Vendetta, Brick, Hard Candy, MIssion: Impossible III, Clerks II, Flushed Away

Patika: Miami Vice, Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest, Inside Man, Underworld: Evolution, The Hills Have Eyes, Feast, Slither, Lucky Number Slevin, The Propositon, Cars, Monster House, Beerfest, Crank, Renaissance, Borat, Deja Vu, Blood Diamond

Neitrāli: X-Men: The Last Stand, Lady in the Water, Superman Returns, Ice Age 2, The Omen, The DaVinci Code, Talladega Nights : The Ballad of Ricky Bobby, Tristan & Isolde, 16 Blocks, Firewall, Silent Hill, The Fast & The Furious: Tokyo Drift, Flyboys, Pursuit of Happyness

Kino-Govno: Click, The Wicker Man, Poseidon, The Black Dahlia, Bloodrayne, Annapolis, Ultraviolet, Find Me Guilty, When a Stranger Calls, Final Destination 3, The Pink Panther, See No Evil, Waist Deep, Edmond, Pulse, Snakes on a Plane, The Covenant, Bandidas

Pārējo vai nu aizmirsu, vai nu neredzēju, vai nu pieminēt nav vērts.
Tomēr nebija vis TIK sūdīgs tas 2006.

Gada vīri: DiKaprio/Kreigs
Gada alnis: Nikolass Keidžs (nu psc atlaid taču to savu aģentu vienreiz!)
Gada pārsteigums: Bonds
Gada klīnika: Ultraviolet/The Covenant

vsjo! Gaidam 2007!
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