5dienas ieraksts :
Par ežupapiem, kuri kļūdas dēļ uzrāpjas uz kaktusiem, bija dzirdēts, bet izrādās ka tālajā Austrālija ir kukainīši, kuru vīriešu dzimtas pārstāvji dod priekšroku alus pudelēm : http://wattsupwiththat.com/2011/09/30/f riday-funny-bug-sex-and-beer Laikam jau no cilvēkiem mācās.
The bottles proved irresistible to males. Ignoring the females, the males mounted or tried to climb up the bottles, refusing to leave. They fried to death in the sun, were eaten by hungry ants or had to be physically removed by the researchers.
Par ežupapiem, kuri kļūdas dēļ uzrāpjas uz kaktusiem, bija dzirdēts, bet izrādās ka tālajā Austrālija ir kukainīši, kuru vīriešu dzimtas pārstāvji dod priekšroku alus pudelēm : http://wattsupwiththat.com/2011/09/30/f
The bottles proved irresistible to males. Ignoring the females, the males mounted or tried to climb up the bottles, refusing to leave. They fried to death in the sun, were eaten by hungry ants or had to be physically removed by the researchers.