armands - February 16th, 2018 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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February 16th, 2018

rpp [Feb. 16th, 2018|08:34 pm]
Kam nepieciešami šādi Rīgas Pašvaldības policijas ieraksti sociālajos tīklos? Kaunināt, izglītot, izklaidēt?
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[Feb. 16th, 2018|10:46 pm]
John's world is a world of ideas, a world in which ideas don't belong to anyone, and in which, when an idea is wrong, just the idea – not the person – is wrong. A world in which ideas are like young birds, and we catch them and proudly show them to our friends. The bird's beauty and the hunter's are distinct...

Some people won't show you the birds they've caught until they are sure, certain, positive that they – the birds, or themselves – are gorgeous, or rare, or remarkable. When your mind can separate yourself from it, you will share it sooner, and the beauty of the bird will be sooner enjoyed.

— Richard Gabriel
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