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as i dream about movies they won't make of me when i'm dead - Post a comment

Sep. 8th, 2013 12:24 pm dienas labākā feisbuka saruna

j: could you update me on the situation racism in riga centre please?
towards blacks especially

p.l. : is staring a form of racism?

j: oh,cuz like yesterday i spoke to a guy and he said that a couple of blacks were killed recently

p.l.: say what?

j:and my boyfriend has to get from Stockman to Bus station in Riga and I'm soooo scared now
or gypsies

p.l. : well, that's... new.

j: hmm well okay. I hope everything will be okay

p.l.: first, it is a minute walk. second- this is made up.

j: the guy said that he'll have to pass hthe cinema and there are people standing there who are nationalists or something

p.l. : who's the guy? i want to meet the guy. he sounds fun!!!

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