15 April 2016 @ 08:37 pm
Ap pusdienlaiku uzkārās dators un vajadzēja gaidīt līdz tas izlādēsies, lai to varētu ieslēgt no jauna, jo bateriju nav tik vienkārši izņemt, tur kaut kas jāskrūvē vaļā un taml. Tā nu pavadīju dienu ar Burdjē un Keitu Vestoni. Reizēm ir tīri noderīgi, ka mobilajās ierīcēs izmantot internetu nav ērti un ievilkt tur jaunu daiļliteratūru liekas pārāk sarežģīti.
15 April 2016 @ 09:21 pm
Alice, I’m scared. You know that I get scared. It doesn’t stop me from doing what I need to get done, but I’m scared pretty much all the time, just of living, of life, of going on with the day to day. And now I’ve got invisible monsters hiding behind me. I’m all alone out here. Grassland out to the end of it, nothing to see.
I’m not going to stop. I can’t go home, Alice. I can only go. I can only go on. And on, and on, and on, until not.

(Joseph Fink "Alice Isn't Dead")