Toll-like receptors :
Tātad mūsā organismā ir visādi šūnu receptori, tostarp toll-like receptori, kas tur visādas imūnsistēmas figņas bīda. Es visu savu apzinīgo mūžu laimīgi staigāju ar domu, ka tas toll nāk no angļu toll roads, kas ir maksas ceļi. Bet šodien no visu zinību krātuves, mūsdienu Aleksandrijas bibliotēkas, Delfu orākula sāncenses - visugodājamākas Vikipēdijas uzzināju, ka:
The name is not a reference to toll booths or tolls of any kind. The gene in question [that is necessary to make the toll-like receptors], when mutated, makes the Drosophila flies look unusual, or 'weird'. The researchers were so surprised that they spontaneously shouted out in German "Das war ja toll!" which translates as "That's weird!" or "That´s cool/great".
Oh, the happiness of being a nerd!
Tātad mūsā organismā ir visādi šūnu receptori, tostarp toll-like receptori, kas tur visādas imūnsistēmas figņas bīda. Es visu savu apzinīgo mūžu laimīgi staigāju ar domu, ka tas toll nāk no angļu toll roads, kas ir maksas ceļi. Bet šodien no visu zinību krātuves, mūsdienu Aleksandrijas bibliotēkas, Delfu orākula sāncenses - visugodājamākas Vikipēdijas uzzināju, ka:
The name is not a reference to toll booths or tolls of any kind. The gene in question [that is necessary to make the toll-like receptors], when mutated, makes the Drosophila flies look unusual, or 'weird'. The researchers were so surprised that they spontaneously shouted out in German "Das war ja toll!" which translates as "That's weird!" or "That´s cool/great".
Oh, the happiness of being a nerd!