krēpjlācis - March 27th, 2021 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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March 27th, 2021

Uzzinu pēdējais, Kingdom COME! [Mar. 27th, 2021|01:28 am]
"In December 2020, DR announced the third and final season of Riget would begin filming in 2021 under the title Riget Exodus.[1] The season will consist of five episodes directed by von Trier. It will be written by von Trier with Niels Vørsel."
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[Mar. 27th, 2021|01:31 am]
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[music |Apocalyptica - Inquisition Simphony]

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[Mar. 27th, 2021|01:33 am]
pēdējā laikā es gribu skatīties TIKAI seriālus vai īsfilmas
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