krēpjlācis - July 22nd, 2014 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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July 22nd, 2014

[Jul. 22nd, 2014|12:35 am]
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[Jul. 22nd, 2014|12:39 am]
silts vakars
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nāve [Jul. 22nd, 2014|12:39 am]
life, what a fun party. pardon me now, i've got to die
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trauma [Jul. 22nd, 2014|01:30 pm]
People don't understand that to do your own thing requires a foundation or buffer, even a diaphanous one. Because if they understood that, being aware of their buffer zone and how deep it can be impacted, they would be quite afraid because they would know that when it is gone or punctured, you are raw meat and nerve endings. Trauma doesn't have a protective film.
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[Jul. 22nd, 2014|01:32 pm]
[music |Whitehouse - Erector]

vakar dabūju jaunu grinkora vinilu. paldies raidījumam Adata un Brahardam Rižinskim. tas viss pateicoties šīm piecām lieliskajām grupām:


pig destroyer

agoraphobic nosebleed


impaled northern moonforest

protams, mēs varam strīdēties par to, vai impaled northern moonforest ir vai nav grindkors, jo patiesībā jau viņi ir it kā akustiskais blekmetāls, bet tomēr, jāņem vērā tas, ka galvenais džeks ir graindists Seths Putnams, kā arī tas, ka tomēr pat tajā visā absurdajā blekmetālā ir dzirdamas grainda ietekmītes. ai, labi, es piekūstu no ilgas rakstīšanas, domāt ir daudz ātrāk.
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[Jul. 22nd, 2014|01:36 pm]
nepūt no mušas ziloni
nepūt no pimpja peteni
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[Jul. 22nd, 2014|04:37 pm]
darbā visu laiku klausos Aphex Twin, kačā
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