7. Septembris 2009


And I finally made it to a conversation with Him. After all these months of silence, after all these months without the usual ability to feel the divine love rained all over me. He told me he's been there right beside me all the time, He told me he didn't let me make mistakes, He told me He is supporting my steps and decisions made. I got lifted up in the sky after all these months of living underground! I am not a prayer, nor a helpless child. I am His partner and He's providing me with all the tools, with all the power and with all the LOVE I need to do our job. And I love, love, LOVE Him!


Aizmirsu pateikt, ka vakar biju uz Inglourious Basterds http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0361748/, kas ir A MUST SEE! Nespēju atcerēties pēdējos gados labāku filmu! Profesionāla, intriģējoša, LIELISKA vai, kā izteicās kolēģe - garšīga. Es reti esmu TIEŠĀM sajūsmā par kaut ko, bet šis ir tāpat kā "izlasīt Šekspīru", "iestādīt koku", "nosist čūsku" un "izaudzināt dēlu". No piecām acīm dodu trīsdesmit divas.
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