munky M.K-568's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
munky M.K-568

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[18 Oct 2004|03:41pm]
You are .exe When given proper orders, you execute them flawlessly.  You're familiar to most, and useful to all.
Which File Extension are You?
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off topic [tapat nevienam nekaadas daljas] [18 Oct 2004|09:15pm]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | Niranjana Swami - Hare Krishna ]

mja... jaiet uzpiipeet kada ciiga un jaalien vannaa relaxeeties pirms kaarteejas darba pilnaas nakts...

mhm shodien darbaa gandriiz aizmigu tapeec sefs palaida atraak uz maaju pusi paguleet :) kruta... izguleejies patiikami paris stundinjas :)

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[ viewing | October 18th, 2004 ]
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