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munky M.K-568

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..kmhz./. // .. [20 Jul 2004|11:45am]
[ mood | cranky ]

...šodien es Jūs Visus negribu redzēt, nevienu vārdu no jums dzirdēt un citādāk..

22 comments|post comment

[20 Jul 2004|12:38pm]
[ mood | crappy ]

[Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<img [...] ">') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]

<div style="text-align: center;"><img src="""></div>
34 comments|post comment

He's surrounded by people but completely alone. Ever felt like that? [20 Jul 2004|12:40pm]
[ mood | crappy ]

[Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<img [...] ">') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]

<div style="text-align: center;"><img src="""></div>
24 comments|post comment

nu ta beidzot pasmaidiiju ... blje [20 Jul 2004|05:18pm]
[ mood | creative ]
[ music | svilpoju ]

mjaa.. nu kursh man shodien alu veelas uzlikt.. ?? ko a ?? nu atsaucas tach.. atsauciigaak vajadzeetu ;)  tik perfekta iespeeja uzlikt man alu ;) khee

btw. sho to pamainiiju [info]h2o dizaina izskataa ... mjaa.. ak cik aatri es to uztaisiiju.. ja nebuutu slinkums un daudz citu lietu tad buutu atraak.. sorry [info]h2o tam visam bij jaabuut gatavam jau uz 2 juliju ;) bet nekas labaak veelaak nekaa nekad :)

btw.2 laikam shodien gribu kaut ko caurdurt

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[ viewing | July 20th, 2004 ]
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