MēS vIsI mIrSiM! - Post a comment
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06:03 pm



Dear Account User,

Important Notice - We have temporarily limited access to sensitive account
features, To restore your account access, please you must reply to this
email immediately and enter your E-mail account User name
here:(...................)and password here:(..................)Enter your
Email Account login Site here: (...................)

Due to the junk/spam emails you receive daily, we are currently upgrading
all email accounts spam filter to limit all unsolicited emails for
security reasons and to upgrade our new features and enhancements with
your new and improved E-mail account, to ensure you do not experience
service interruption.

Please you must reply to this email immediately and enter both your user
name and password in the space provided to enable us upgrade your Account.

A confirmation link will be send to you for the Re-Activation of your
e-mail Account, as soon as we received your response and you are to Click
on the "Confirm E-mail" link on your mail Account box and then enter this
confirmation number: 1265-6778-8250-8393-5727 Your failure to provide your
e-mail account login details will lead to a temporarily disabled of your
e-mail account or we will immediately deactivate your e-mail account from
our database.

Thanks For Your Understanding.

Tech/Maintenance officer
E-mail Account Maintainability
Team Management

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