20 June 2009 @ 12:32 am
klausos galīgi vecos gabalus. tāda nostaļģiska sajūta pārņem, es neteiktu, ka slikta, varbū tāda, kādu nevajadzētu pieļaut, bet nu jā, patīkama uz mirkli.

palasījos atkal O. Vācieti, un pārliecinājos, ka viņš manās acīs ir vis, vis, es nezinu kas, bet nu man vissiemīļotākais latviešu dzejnieks.

Viens no man tuvākajiem un sirds vēlmēm un visam manam iekšējam, nut āds, bāc, nespēju izteikties..

Es negribu
Būt tēsts no bērza pagales.
No dzīvas miesas
Dzīvs es esmu plēsts.

Kā muca pārvelties pār tiltu,
Kā paša tukšums apdullina dzirdi,

Kā dzīvot var ar aizslēģotu sirdi,
Kā uguns malku
Tā ēst maizi,

Jo tilts ir celts,
Lai es, vairs nebūdams,
Uz zemes būtu atstājis
Kaut vienu tiltu

Ir maize iesēta,
Lai arī reiz aiz manis
Paliek lauks
Ar manu elpu
plaukstošajās vārpās

Es dzīvoju
Ne mācīdams, bet -

No visam ābecēm,
Kur ir kaut vienīgs burts.

Es negribu būt tēsts no bērza pagales.
Jo ej nu sazin,
Ko tas tēsējs iztēš
20 June 2009 @ 12:41 am

You Think Creatively

Your brain works best when you let your intuition be your guide.

You like to imagine, speculate, and fantasize. You have fun playing with ideas.

You are interested in theories. You enjoy studying and developing them.

You are drawn toward art, philosophy, and even math. Almost every subject is interesting to you.

20 June 2009 @ 12:48 am

You See the World Through Green Colored Glasses

You live your life with generosity. You feel like your life is abundant, and you are very giving toward those around you.

You judge all your interactions through the lens of harmony. You figure you have something to learn from everyone, and you listen well.

You face challenges with a persistent attitude. You can see the prize at the end of the road, and you have the strength to get there.

You see love as the utmost expression of self-esteem. You have to love yourself before you can truly love someone else.

At your worst, you are greedy and selfish. You love money more than you'd like to admit.

You are happiest when you are in nature. You appreciate the feeling of balance that being outdoors brings you.

20 June 2009 @ 02:02 pm
pat negribas.
nekas vairs nebūš, nekas no tā, nedz no tā ko gribējās, nedz no tā, ko bija plānots darīt.
not now, not ever