o tempora, o mores! |
[May. 11th, 2011|08:26 am] |
Varbut man ir problēmas ar krāšanu, jā, toties es cenšos krāt nemateriālas lietas, kas realitātē neaizņem daudz vietas. Piemēram, vienā brīdī bija vēlme piefiksēt visas tās epizodes, kad iekš kino kāds varonis vai varone ir noelsies, ka "šis taču ir xxxx gads!" ar to tuvinot jaunos laikus un tikumus. Kamōn, tēt, šie taču ir sešdesmitie! Vai arī Bette Deivisa iekš Jezebeles atsakās vilkt kleitu ar krinolīnu, jo esot taču 1852 gads!
taču vissirsnīgākā versija ir sanākusi Katrīnai de Mediči, ko var lasīt viņas meitas Margaritas de Valuā - populārajā kultūrā zināmas kā Margo - memuāros. "But she, seeing through the whole design, showed him [Anrī III] the improbability of the story, adding that he must have some wicked people about him, who could put such notions in his head [..] In my younger days," said she, "we were allowed to converse freely with all the gentlemen who belonged to the King our father, the Dauphin, and M. d'Orleans, your uncles. It was common for them to assemble in the bedchamber of Madame Marguerite, your aunt, as well as in mine, and nothing was thought of it. As soon as the King had left her she told me all that had passed, and said: "You are unfortunate to live in these times." Then calling your aunt, Madame de Dampierre, they entered into a discourse concerning the pleasures and innocent freedoms of the times they had seen, when scandal and malevolence were unknown at Court." |