social sciences and uinversities 2011 |
[Dec. 11th, 2010|07:25 pm] |
Dear colleagues, > > > >I think the situation is growing worse and worse > >for the social sciences and the humanities. > >Se below (and attachment) about the forthcoming 8th Framework > Programme > > > >Included is also a Dutch-language address of the > >former dean of the social sciences Klandermans > >(VU) which gives you all the numbers that in > >fact prove the success of the social science. > >The numbers are maddening as they underscore the > >inequality in terms of financial support that > >the social sciences and the humanities receive > >compared to the life and exact sciences. > > > >--- > > > >We would like to draw your attention to some > >alarming developments in the preparations for > >the 8th Framework Programme. These include: > > > > > >1. The downgrading of socio-economic and > >humanities research in DG Research from a > >department to one single office (taking effect January 1, 2011). > > > >2. The plan to abolish broader, long-term > >integrated projects and the like in social > >sciences and humanities in the 8th Framework > >Programme. Instead, a focus on "grand > >challenges" with topics that are more applied > >than basic research and are supposed to foster > >European competitiveness on global markets > >(social science as an ‘auxiliary’ discipline to > >be mainstreamed into the other sciences) . > > > >3. The downsizing of funding for > >socio-economic and humanities research projects in the 8th Framework > Programme. > > > >There is nothing we can do against the > >structural decision of DG Research to down-grade > >social science and humanities. There is still > >time to mobilize against its thematic and > >financial downsizing. Given the decentralized > >structure of social sciences, concerted action > >is difficult to organize. However, we suggest > >that you use the connections and networks you > >have to disseminate the following demands, both > >to EU and national policy-makers: > > > >1. No downsizing of socio-economic and humanities research; > >2. continuation of integrated projects and > >networks on both smaller scale (1-3 Mio Euro) > >and larger scale (5-12 Mio Euro); > >3. strengthening of social sciences in the Marie Curie > Programme; > >4. if grand challenges, they should focus > >on "social and cultural cohesion" of Europe instead only on > innovation; > >5. less focus on partnering with industry, > >rather focusing on public sector and civil society. > > > >Please find attached a ‘non-paper’ on why it is > >important to strengthen social science research beyond 2014. > > > >Feel free to forward this email to other colleagues. > > > >Thomas Risse, Carina Sprungk and Tanja A. Börzel |