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Nov. 2nd, 2005 | 01:24 pm

KUR es esmu? KO es daru?

Rather than seeing clusters as concentration of interlinked industries, producing similar or complementary outputs, it is instructive to recognize that they are also agglomerations of professionals belonging to the same or related epistemic communities.

atbilde: ar augstak mineto un citiem vel grutakiem tekstiem smadzenes trenneju :) ievingrinu examenam. nu un siis teorijas autors ir ari dota kursa pasniedzejs no Zviedrijas - tas ar tiem jestrajiem piesedieniem pie ipashi svarigam frazem

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Comments {2}

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from: [info]chaika
date: Nov. 2nd, 2005 - 02:43 pm

Bet pasaki vēl, ka nav interesanta lasāmviela, ja vien tā nebūtu apzīnīgi jāiegaumē ātros tempos..

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from: [info]hege
date: Nov. 2nd, 2005 - 02:59 pm

vo vo.tiek dotas nieka 4-5 nedelas. un lasamgabals sniedzas ap visam 500lapaam kaa minimums..

seit veel:
tacit knowledge can be exchanged (by magic) provided that the partners to the exchange share commodities of language and beliefs

man ir sajuta, ka tads zviedrs bija sapipejies, kad sito rakstija. jo paradas taaaaaada terminologija...visi vienkarshakie pasaules vardi ir iizmezhgiti un samainiti ar tadiem ,kurus pirmo reiz dzirdu..dazham pat tulkojuma interneta nav :D

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