Goba ([info]gobish) wrote on July 10th, 2008 at 05:27 pm
It's the fireworks
I was hungry when I said
I never got to sleep
You go ahead
You can get whatever you want
There's a feeling in my belly
The new tomorrow scene
It's an interesting job
It's the fireworks

I don't need it (I don't need it)
I hit my head (he hit his head)
I can't feel anything
You gave too much away
You came to say
It's a free world baby
And you gave too much away

Hey, hey
Get whatever you want
Get whatever you want

Me, I'm tired of this candy
My teeth ache my head
Boys in bed, girls in bed
All now go to sleep
Sleep, sweet dreams
Wake to a new today tomorrow

It's a free world baby
Get whatever you want
Get whatever you want

Boys in bed, girls in bed
All now go to sleep
Sleep, sweet dreams
Wake to a new today tomorrow
Sleep, sweet dreams
Wake to a new today tomorrow

It's a free world baby
It's a free world baby
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