18 June 2006 @ 06:31 am

ok, pirms acis verās ciet...

o! šitā varētu būt tā melnā zirga modrā acs:D

Hormoni: before you say goodbye...
18 June 2006 @ 05:47 pm
Charms in limited supply and refusing to stretch
That indefinable nothing somehow keeps pushing you
Finding the right words can be a problem
How many times must it be said
theres no plan it had to happen

Got to move on sometime and its about time
By putting one foot in front of another
And repeating the process cross over the street
You?re free to change your mind
Strength through diversity
Couldn't have put it more plainly

Got to move on sometimes
Got to move on sometimes
Got to move on sometimes
Got to move on sometimes

Charms in limited supply under Threat of extinction
That indefinable nothing somehow motivates you
Finding the right words can be a problem
How many times must it be said
Theres no plan it had to happen

Got to move on sometimes
And its about time
By putting one foot in front of another
And repeating the process
Cross over the street
You?re free to change your mind
Strength through Diversity
Couldn't have put it more plainly

Got to move on sometimes
18 June 2006 @ 06:44 pm

ehh... joprōjām pēc acu atvēršanas skandējas visādi meldiņi galvā. un tu cilvēks nebeidz vien brīnīties kādus pārsteigumus un prieciņus tā dzīvīte sagādā.

 nakts beigās sabrīnījos ka izturēju tik ilgi, jo bija nolemts, ka pēc dvd noskatīšanās laiž uz māju pusi. ha! ne fidziņas nesanāca:D

 Romāna Romāna un vēlreiz Romāna vaina:D

un jā shisheido-Lieliskais bija lielisks. arī vīrs ar krāsotajiem nagiem bija neatkārtojams-kas par balsi..sasssssodīc:)

un tiešām ir uznācis post gig blues.bļe. nevaru vien sagaidīt kad vācu draugi rokās ieliks lielisko dvd ierakstu.mmm....

bet ir jauni spēki jauniem darbiem. un tādu netrūkst, tikai lūdzu aizvāciet to fakino karstumu! ehh... patiesībā joprojām ir nogurums.bet tāds patīkams.


Hormoni: i'm walking in your shoes guys
18 June 2006 @ 07:25 pm