16 June 2006 @ 01:53 am
best pic ever:D  
16 June 2006 @ 03:41 am
Monday finds you like a bomb
Thats been left ticking there too long
Youre bleeding
Some days theres nothing left to learn
From the point of no return
Youre leaving

Hey hey I saved the world today
Everybodys happy now
The bad things gone away
And everybodys happy now
The good things here to stay
Please let it stay

Theres a million mouths to feed
And Ive got everything I need
Im breathing
And theres a hurting thing inside
But Ive got everything to hide
Im grieving

Hey hey I saved the world today
Everybodys happy now
The bad things gone away
And everybodys happy now
The good things here to stay
Please let it stay
16 June 2006 @ 04:54 am
arvien grūtāk un grūtāk izturēt night session. bet vēl divas reizītes un ardievu. guklēšu no rīta līdz vakaram un nelikšos ne zinis par darbu:D
smagi paliek.ha. tomēr būšu savu veselībiņu pabojājusi ar to visu. ehh...
bet vēl jau šorīt manu gauda rīta session iekš nabas. grlp. aizrīšos vienreiz.
bet tad gan gulēšu kā sista.
zviedru puikam ar krekliem arī būs jāpagaida. gulēšu līdz pat sestdienas DM pārtijam!!! gribu sasssodīti redzēt to dvd ierakstu.
bļe. atjkal jau žoklis jāvirina.
un vēl es šodien priecāšos satikt lieni!!!:D
16 June 2006 @ 06:57 am

un tagad laiks rīta bildei:D sassodīti orģināla ideja:) un sasssodīti iepatikās ar'.

16 June 2006 @ 07:55 am
Hormoni: nu tāds aizdomīgs
Troksnis: bbc radio1 ar jauno muse dziesmu
16 June 2006 @ 10:16 am
Candy says I've come to hate my body
and all that it requires in this world
Candy says I'd like to know completely
what others so discreetly talk about

I'm gonna watch the blue birds fly over my shoulder
I'm gonna watch them pass me by
Maybe when I'm older
What do you think I'd see
If I could walk away from me

Candy says I hate the quiet places
that cause the smallest taste of what will be
Candy says I hate the big decisions
that cause endless revisions in my mind

I'm gonna watch the blue birds fly over my shoulder
I'm gonna watch them pass me by
Maybe when I'm older
What do you think I'd see
If I could walk away from me
Troksnis: night with martin gore video ieraksti