gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2019-05-23 20:32:00

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pārposts no cita foruma, kas man liekas labi ietver esenci, ko mūsdienu 'populistu' mednieki nerubī
I love how they keep fact checking the modern day P T Barnum. Whose supporters know what he is like and love him even more for it. Trump seems to even know that we know he makes up wild shit, so says even more wacky stuff with enough grains of truth in it to annoy the hell out of everyone who hates him and make them admit to things they want to suppress.

I also love how these straight laced puritans of fake news have lied every day and can't even get their facts right themselves, somehow pretend they are the holy judges of truth, when even their fact checks are lies:D

It's not like Trump came out of nowhere and everyone was duped by him, he has been doing the same act for the past 40 years in the public eye, he is transparent as hell and everyone who voted for him knew what they were buying. They voted for a brazen con artist who has a sense of humor and actually wants to help the American people, even at the expense of his own wellbeing. Which beats the sly con artists in the media and politics who pretend to be pure and want to destroy America for monetary gain all in the name of tolerance and virtue, while the buy luxury yachts, live behind wal

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