Заметки алкоголика и придурка

27. Marts 2017


Man patīk frīkšovs, kurā cilvēki, kas būtu balsojuši par reptīlerijas mafiju, tikum-signalizē taisnprātīgu sašutumu par Putina krievijas korumpētību.


“But we have many who are marrying and even producing… Even our Ugandan women are accepting to [reproduce] with these men,”an official from Uganda’s directorate of citizenship and immigration control told the committee.
Nez kāpēc klusē brašo cilvēktiesību, antirasistu un velkomistu balsis. Vai tāpēc, ka nav baltu cilvēku ko vainot?

Alzo dienišķā deva inshallas.
The number of acid attacks in London has soared in the past six years, new figures have revealed.
Between 2011 and 2016, there was almost 1,500 reports of attacks involving corrosive fluids in the capital.
There were 431 attacks last year alone, compared to 261 the previous year.

Drop acid, not.. uh.. acid!
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