Заметки алкоголика и придурка

27. Jūlijs 2016


Kaut ko bi, kas garšo kā labs, vēss alus, bet iedarbojas kā degvīns.


Bet nu atpakaļ pie mūsu barāniem. The shit's getting better by the day.

''Mr. Juncker insisted that however bad the “migrant crisis” and terrorism in Europe gets, the EU will never call into question the free movement of people within the bloc.

“This is one of the four fundamental freedoms of the founding Treaty of Rome. It is an inviolable principle,” he said.

Speaking after Islamic terror attacks left 130 dead in Paris last November, Mr. Juncker rejected calls to rethink the EU’s open doors policy on migration from Africa and the Middle East. Dismissing suggestions that open borders led to the attacks, Mr. Juncker said he believed “exactly the opposite” – that the attacks should be met with a stronger display of liberal values including open borders.''
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