Заметки алкоголика и придурка

26. Jūnijs 2016


If you vote as i vote, you're enlightened. If you vote against my beliefs, you're nazi. How very open minded and librul of you.


Labi, ka mājās stāv antīks padomju ventilators, kuru savā laikā nekaunīgi atpizģīju pilsonim [info]artizar, kurš šeit laikam vairs nedzīvo. Ventilators smags kā Tōra veseris un laikam tikai es varu viņu pakustināt, lai virzītu vēja plūsmu pareizajā virzienā. Kaut kāds svina, čuguna, ebonīta un obsidiāna sakausējums. Bet ku labi, ka ir. Latvijā politiķiem visu patīk regulēt. Kāpēc vēl nav ar likumu aizliegts šāds laiks?


'The British also understand all too well that globalization leads to ruin even with the best of intentions. The EU definitely does not have good intentions. They value the black hole of the 1%. It isn't 1iberal to despise the ultra wealthy because they truly are parasitic. You have parasites like yourself feeding from the bottom and parasites feeding from the top. In the middle is the working class actually doing something to provide for their neighbors and countrymen.

Small business is what gives an economy actual growth and makes it robust. The 1% megacorp CEOs sell you toxic, throw away goods made in China. They give you nothing but shovelware that dense fucks like you gobble up with pesos given to you by a corrupt bureaucratic machine like the EU. But you keep hating people that want to be free of the human-centipede contraption that is the EU. They are smiling today and they will be smiling even more when that house of cards crumbles around you.'


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