gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2024-02-14 08:26:00

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"Go into any country that isn't either some total godforsaken shithole, or woke, and you'll see clean (at least in relation to the likes of Paris) cities and subways one isn't afraid to take.

It's actually kinda funny how well this shit reflects in mass-transit. It's like a small microcosm of the society. The more progressive a country gets, the worse the experience – you meet more gypsies and niggers and what not that try to be as annoying as humanly possible (since progressive ideology has no interest in curtailing antisocial behavior). Naturally, the interior becomes more filthy and damaged, both from them, from various trash being "inspired" to do the same, and from total disinterest of progressive politicians to do anything about it (in fact, they seem to like it). And finally, once it's sufficiently devastated, it becomes dangerous to travel with. Because the sorry state of it clearly shows that the place is unpoliced, and that any prospective criminal can do whatever he wants in there, not to mention the junkies and other refuse."

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