
Your Camera Doesn't Matter

Jan. 7th, 2010 | 06:33 pm
From:: drako

Veltījums visiem "arī fotogrāfiem" ...

See renowned pro Chase Jarvis' art book, The Best Camera, shot entirely on his iPhone.See the online eork shot exclusively on his iPhone.

If you can shoot well, all you need is a disposable, toy camera or a camera phone to create great work. If you're not talented, it doesn't matter if you buy a Nikon D3X or Leica; your work will still be uninspired.

"Your Camera Doesn't Matter"

"Likewise, I occasionally get hate mail and phone calls from guys (never women) who disagree with my personal choice of tools. They take it personally just because I prefer something different than they do. Like anyone cares? These folks mean well, they probably just haven't made it past that mountain and still think that every tool has some absolute level of goodness, regardless of the application. They consider tools as physical extensions of their body so of course they take it personally if I poke fun of a certain tool as not being good for what I'm doing. For instance, the Leica collectors here have a real problem with this page."


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