
(no subject)

Oct. 5th, 2004 | 01:47 pm
From:: drako

Pirmais, kas patraapiijaas pa rokai netaa:

I love a girl,
Oh, so much.
I love her soft,
tender touch,

Her soft lips,
Beautiful eyes
Glistening off
The morning sunrise.

We watch the sunrise
And the sunset.
But this girl
I've never met.

In my dreams
She is so real.
It's just the way
She makes me feel.

If I could meet
A girl like this,
Her every move
I would not miss.

This girl would be,
Oh, so sweet
Holding my hand,
Walking down the street.

She could tell me she loves me
In front of her friends,
Saying what we have
Will never end.

But if it does,
We'll stay together
Just as friends
Always and forever.

This is the girl
I want forever.
If you can find her,
Tell her... I love her.

/Eric Lawrence Moberg /


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