Icing sugar's


7th June 2004

12:56pm: winter's so cold this year
Something I heard
Or maybe something I read
It's like yesterday's over
Something I did
Or something I said
Like yesterday's gone
Something I felt
Or maybe something I thought
Like yesterday's over
Something I took
Something I sought
Like yesterday's gone

You used to dream
You used to fly
You used to be
My reason why
Used to be me
Useless to try
You used to dream

Something you heard
Or maybe something you read
Is like yesterday's over
Something you did
Something you said
It's like yesterday's gone
Something you felt
Or maybe you touched
Like yesterday's over
Something you thought
Something you love
Like yesterday's gone
And yesterday's gone

I used to dream
I used to fly
I used to be
Your reason why
Used to be you
Now it's useless to try
I used to dream
You used to fly
You used to fly
I used to dream
You used to fly
I used to dream
You used to fly
I used to dream
You used to fly

I used to dream

the cure - yesterday's gone
Current Mood: savāds
11:53pm: tilti,upes,karuseļi,pieminekļi stikliem
tātad,apsolīju lielīties,kā bleedman aka [info]redeemer uzrakstiija man dzejoli,kas ar savu excellentumu uzlaboja garīgo

Vēl neatklātā zemes malā
Viena resna koka zarā;
Lidojošais kāmis dzīvo -
Viņš tur baigi lielā 'starā'

Lekt ar izpletni tam patīk
Trakas lietas perināt;
Visu dienu dzeju lasīt
Jaunas gleznas darināt.

Mazais kāmis baigais 'frukts'
Jūtās - neaprakstām 'kruts'
Savā stilā domas ķersta
Mākoņlaukos skaistus mirkļus tversta

Visai inverss uzskats tam-
Gandrīz kā foto pozitīvs;
Bet reizēm -
Melns un balts vai negatīvs.

Kāmi Mī Mī vārdā sauc
Tas 'Asinspuļes' nāsīs šņauc
Un eiforijas baudā
'Cure'albūmus klausīt trauc
Current Mood: sleepy
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